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Marie-Antoinette perfume on sale





さて、その復元フレグランスの香調は「intensely floral」と書かれています。あえて訳せば「とことんフローラル!」くらいのニュアンスかも。





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Marie-Antoinette perfume on sale
A PERFUME based on the fragrance worn by Marie-Antoinette, the queen who was executed by guillotine in 1793 at the height of the French revolution, is to be launched today.

The "intensely floral" scent is being sold to order for 350 (£236) per 25ml bottle by the Palace of Versailles.

Last updated: 14-Dec-06 01:13 GMT



Marie-Antoinette's Perfume Bottled for Sale at Versailles

マリーアントワネットとその調香師Jean-Louis Fargeon(ジャンルイ ファルジョン)の著作をいろいろ書かれているDe Feydeau(ドゥ フェドー?)さんが、パフューマーFrancis Kurkdjian(フランシス クルクジャン?)さんとともに、発見されたFargeonの処方箋を元に香料会社大手Quest International(クエストインターナショナル)に「Sillage de la Reine」(Wake of the Queen)を制作依頼。商品化された香水の売上げはマリーアントワネットさんが使用していたチェスト(旅行用衣装箱?)の買い戻しに使用したいとベルサイユ宮殿の館長さんは話している、そうです。

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Marie-Antoinette's Perfume Bottled for Sale at Versailles

By Helene Fouquet

Dec. 15 (Bloomberg) -- France's Versailles Palace yesterday started selling a limited-edition perfume based on the notes of Marie-Antoinette's scent maker, bringing to the market her taste for flowery fragrances that transformed royal habits.

``Marie-Antoinette was the first French queen to bathe regularly, to have clean skin that could take on such flowery perfumes,'' said Elisabeth de Feydeau, a perfume historian who found the notes used to create the new scent. ``Her tastes were very close to today's Chanel no.5 or Patou's Joy.''

De Feydeau and perfume creator Francis Kurkdjian asked Paris-based maker of flavors and fragrances Quest International to make ``Sillage de la Reine,'' or ``Wake of the Queen.'' The perfume, based on the 18th-century recipes and notes of Jean- Louis Fargeon, used the same components as the perfumer.

Versailles curators say they will use the money from the sales to fund the 350,000 euros ($461,685) purchase of Marie- Antoinette's more-than-three-centuries-old sycamore travel chest. They want to bring it back to Trianon Palace, the queen's personal castle in the park of Versailles. Quest put up 100,000 euros to cover the perfume's cost of creation and production.

The perfume was made with natural substances such as jasmine and grey amber, which costs about 9,500 euros a kilogram, and the rare ``Absolute Turkish'' rose, Quest said. Tonkin musk is among the only synthetic products in the scent.

Ten 25-centiliter, or 8.45-ounce, Baccarat crystal bottles of the Cognac-colored fragrance will be sold to collectors for 8,000 euros each. Collectors from Switzerland, Monaco, Canada and Hong Kong have signed up, said Jean-Francois Quemin, a palace spokesman. A thousand smaller bottles for 350 euros each are being sold to castle visitors and on the official Web site.


The new perfume is yet another sign of the restoration of Marie-Antoinette's reputation after the release this year of Sofia Coppola's film based on the queen's life. French history books revile the queen and glorify the revolution that chopped off her head.

Austrian-born Marie-Antoinette, who was beheaded at the age of 38, was married to King Louis XVI. She helped introduce French royals to bathrooms and regular washes with water. She also brought modern perfumery to Versailles. When she arrived at the palace, perfumes were heady and used primarily to cover up dirt, body odour and disease, de Feydeau said.

Around 1775, Fargeon, who had brought lighter perfumes to French high society, met the queen at Trianon. For the next 14 years and until the French Revolution, he became her official maker of scents and pomades. She was fond of his anti-wrinkle creams and he created several scents for her, de Feydeau said.

De Feydeau published a book based on 500 pages of notes by the perfume maker. Fargeon, she said, was ahead of his time in that he saw that chemicals would be the future of perfumery.

``He was Marie-Antoinette's perfumer because of her style, of her progressive ideas,'' de Feydeau said, ``Perfuming royals was the best business.''
