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プレステージ奪回を狙う香水業界 2
コティプレステージ社は、パリの由緒ある大邸宅のホテルMonnaie de Parisにてクロエの新しい香水発表パーティを開催しました。パーティは、香水業界が好みがちな大変優雅なものでしたが、香水の開発自体は難航しました。




Perfume industry aims to regain prestige
By Katie Weisman Published: October 8, 2007

PARIS: Coty Prestige took over the Monnaie de Paris mansion here this past weekend to introduce the new Chlo? perfume, the first collaboration between the fashion house and its fragrance licensee of two years.

The actress Chlo? Sevigny, one of the stars of the scent's ad campaign, turned up, as did the fashion and beauty pack, all in Paris for fashion week. And while the party was typical of the fragrance industry's penchant for grand events, the development of the perfume was very different.

"This ribbon, this little ribbon, took four months to conclude upon," Michele Scannavini, Coty Prestige's president, said with a laugh, referring to the tiny satin bow around the perfume bottle's neck.

"I think we nearly killed them over the ribbon," confessed Chlo?'s chairman and chief executive, Ralph Toledano, talking about the demands his creative team placed on the fragrance group. "In license agreements today, if there is no chemistry between the partners, it doesn't work. Coty followed us, even if sometimes their marketing logic said otherwise."

The effort behind the new fragrance reflects the state of an industry that is questioning the way it has been doing business. Perfume, once a true luxury product, has become, with a few exceptions, a mere commodity in recent years. Now designer and luxury labels and the cosmetics giants are trying to restore fragrance's prestige, notably at the high end of the market.

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