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人に感動を与える赤ちゃんの香り パート2

「その香りにはバイオレットやクマリン、ムスクなどが含まれます。甘く、伝達性がよくて、その匂いを嗅いだ瞬間、赤ちゃんの肌に触れた錯覚を覚えます」とフレグランスの研究と製造を行っているDrom社のDelphine Jelk氏は指摘します。

ゲランの新作「ランスタン・マジー」(ランスタン・マジック)はベビーパウダーからヒントを得たと言われていますが、それは偶然ではありません。ゲランのクリエイティブ・ディレクターSylvaine Delacourte氏はこのように語ります。


Several perfumers are creating fragrances that try to capture what Americans think of as new baby smell, that aroma of baby powder and lotion that conjures up memories of happy, peaceful newborn bliss.

That sweet, immediately recognizable scent can have elements of violet, cumarine and musk, says Delphine Jelk, of the fragrance lab and manufacturer Drom, and "when you smell it, you smell baby skin."

It wasn't an accident that Guerlain's L'Instant Magic has a hint of that powder smell. It's "built around white musk, and these notes are very powdery and soft. I am especially fond of these notes because they remind me of my children's' scent and soft skin when they were babies," says Sylvaine Delacourte, Guerlain creative director of fragrances.
